As a commuter student, you play an important role at Elmira College, and your engagement on campus is essential to your college experience and success. We offer a host of services and opportunities for you to make the most of your your time at EC!

Be sure to take some time to read through the list resources and services below.  If you have any questions, reach out to Aaron Lindgren, Coordinator of Commuter Resources and Success.  

Aaron Lindgren
Coordinator of Commuter Resources and Outreach
Supervisor of Student Success
ELL Program Coordinator
Office: Center for Academic and Professional Excellence in the Gannett-Tripp Library
Office Phone: (607) 735-1165


ID Cards and Parking Permits

The Office of Campus Safety is the go-to place for your ID card and parking permit. Your ID card will allow you access into campus buildings. It can also be used in the Campus Center for dining options (see below).

Additionally, all students must register their vehicles with the Office of Campus Safety. Once you have obtained a parking sticker, you may park in any designated lot on our campus.

Located at 710 Park Place, the Office of Campus Safety is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, and 365 days per year. Campus Safety officers can be reached at (607) 735-1777.

Computer Labs and Printing

The Gannett-Tripp Library has first floor and terrace level computer labs for your use. Whether you need to print a paper or work on an assignment without distractions, the GTL computer labs are available to you Monday-Thursday from 7:30am - 11:30pm; Friday from 7:30am-5pm; Saturday from noon-6pm; and Sunday from noon-11:00pm.

If you need to print for a course, each student receives a $35 printing allotment in the Fall and Winter terms.

Lounge and Study Spaces

Looking for a place to rest or study between classes? In addition to the library, we have spaces all over campus to help you feel comfortable and at home on our campus!

  • Watson 106 – Watson 106 has comfortable seating for studying or resting between classes. The room has a fridge for you to use as well.
  • Harris 1 – This lounge space has vending machines and high-top tables. Stop in for a snack or drink between classes!
  • The 1855 Room – Located on the first floor of the Campus Center, The 1855 Room is the go-to place for coffee, tea and other beverages and small snacks. The 1855 Room proudly brews Starbucks coffee!
  • Tifft Lounge – Located on the first floor of the Campus Center, this community space is open for use between classes. Just steps from The 1855 Room, you can grab a cup of coffee and find a quiet place to relax here!

Dining Options

While a dining meal plan is an option to all our commuters, it is not necessary! You can use cash or credit at the Dining Hall (located in the Campus Center), MacKenzie's for some late-night nibbles, or you can also grab a snack or coffee at the 1855 Room.

If you are interested in purchasing a meal plan or buying flex dollars on your student ID, please visit the Business Office on the first floor of McGraw Hall.


A bank ATM is located on the first floor of the Campus Center.

Center for Academic and Professional Excellence (CAPE)

Located on the first floor of the Gannett-Tripp Library (GTL), the Center for Academic and Professional Excellence is an academic support unit that offers services to help you maximize your academic performance and career potential. CAPE offers support with Student Success coaching, tutoring, supplemental (peer-led) group coaching, writing support, English Language Learner support, Accessibility Resources for students with documented disabilities and Career and Professional Development. Stop in any time to meet a member of our team.

Career Closet

Organized and run by the Center for Academic and Professional Excellent (mentioned above), the Elmira College Career Closet offers students free professional clothing that can be used for interviews, internships, job fairs, networking opportunities, award events and community engagement experiences. Our Career Closet has just what you need to dress for success!

Emergency and Weather Closings

Weather closings are publicized through email and via the College's social media accounts. If classes or campus events are canceled, you will receive an email.

Events Calendar

Stay up-to-date with campus happenings through the online EC Event Calendar, the Elmira College Facebook page, and the EC Instagram account. Also, be sure to read your weekly Eagle Feed email and check the homepage of MyEC for updated campus events and announcements!

Clubs and Organizations

Getting involved with on-campus clubs and organizations is an excellent way to meet new people, explore your talents and have some fun! There are over 50 student clubs that you can join at any time during the academic year! For more information, visit the Clubs & Organizations web page

Fitness Center

As an Elmira College student, you have access to our on-campus Fitness Center which is located in the Speidel Gymnasium building. The Fitness Center is open Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and on Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Health and Counseling Services

The Clarke Health Center provides accessible, quality health care services to all full-time students at Elmira College. The Health Center is open from 8:00 a.m. to noon. Some of the services offered are sick visits, prescriptions (new and refills), over the counter medications, First Aid treatments, and vaccinations. While walk-in services are offered, they are based on availability. Therefore, appointments are encouraged. Please call: 607-735-1750.

Post Office

Elmira College has a fully functioning post office right in the heart of our campus. If you would like to mail a letter or a package, this service is available to you without the lines!

The College Store

Located in McGraw Hall, the College Store sells EC-branded clothing, blankets, gifts and more. It also has a convenience section with over-the-counter medications and First Aid supplies. The College Store website is your go-to place for ordering textbooks.

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